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Creating your dreams

STARTS with changing your thoughts

Discover 10 ways to think more positively (to improve your life)

Alison Dee - The Life Improvement Coach

YOU'VE always done what everyone expects of you, 

fitting into their box


But it's not making you happy

You're so busy trying to to follow the expectations of society, family and friends, that you've lost yourself and what YOU want 


You don't have the confidence to do something new, because you've always done what you 'should' do


And its exhausting, not to mention unfulfilling


I don't agree with living like that


I believe you have free will over your choices, if you're ready to take control and have the confidence to step outside that box


Those walls you've got to break down - they're only in your head, and they're not nearly as big as you think they are


Are you ready to start living for YOU?

Ready to make a change?



Alison is refreshingly honest!  There's no fluff either, she doesn't just tell you what you want to hear.  Alison gave me some amazing advice and said things that she knew I'd be resistant to but they needed saying anyway.

 She is just the best!  I've been in a right quandary about an important decision and she's listened, given me some amazing tools and listened some more!


~ Tasha Davis: 1:1 client & Manifesting Bootcamp member ~

Work with me...

Do you know what you REALLY want out of life?

Do you know what you desire and what lights you up?

Clarity is the first step to getting the life you always dreamed of.........



The Dee-Lightful Living® Club is the ONLY Life Coaching Membership you'll ever need to to get your life on track.  With masses of support and a great community...

The Club


Putting the science and spirituality together so you understand exactly how to harness your energy with logical steps to create your dreams



A year from now, will you wish you started today?

~ Karen Lamb ~

10 ways to think more positively front cover.png

Do you find your thoughts aren't your friend sometimes? 

They can run away into a negative spiral before you've even remembered to breathe?


YOU control your thoughts - not the other way around

But it can be easy to forget that 


Grab my free guide below to help you take back your control 

It's 10 ways to think more positively: to improve your life

I truly feel my attitude to life has changed since I began working with Alison in her VIP Group.  I have been able to gain more clarity for my goals and direction in my life and business, and I've been able to implement tools taught by Alison to help me over any obstacles that previously would have sent me into a tailspin of self doubt & imposter syndrome.  She is truly a gem in the coaching and mindset arena 

Emma - Dee-Lightful Living® Club member

About Alison Dee

A trained, certified coach, NLP Master Practitioner, and published Author, I am also a qualified Biomedical Scientist so I put the 'woo' and science together.


I am passionate about helping those new to personal development understand the logical steps they can take to start creating their dreams.


I am an expert at finding the lessons, positives and gratitude in any situation - a far cry from the negative, conflicted 'glass half empty' person I used to be!


Living in Coventry, UK with my partner Jason and 2 cats; Poppet & Stripe, I am  happiest when out in nature, usually with a glass of red wine...

Group Travel

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Ever wanted a place where you could show up and be yourself?

Somewhere to celebrate your highs, lows and everything in between?

Come and join The Positive Mindset Tribe® community on Facebook

A safe space to learn all about positive mindset & manifestation, guided and mentored by Alison Dee

Get in contact

We would love you to get in contact if you have any questions at all


You can do this by sending Alison Dee an email

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